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How Often Should You See the Dermatologist?

        For some, seeing the dermatologist on a regular basis may not be a priority, but it should be. You should visit your dermatologist at least once a year for a skin examination. If you have issues between your yearly visit, such as a rash, suspicious growths or acne you should see your dermatologist immediately.

        Skin screenings are one of the most important reasons that you see your dermatologist on a yearly basis. A person’s skin can change a great deal in 12 months and it is essential to regularly examine the skin to ensure that any concerns or issues are identified. Skin screenings are conducted to identify any areas of concern on the skin, especially those that are potentially cancerous or pre-cancerous. If you observe a change in your skin, you should see the dermatologist as quickly as you can. If you have had skin cancer, a family history of skin cancer, or have many moles, then a skin screening should be performed more frequently.

        The risk of getting skin cancer should be a reason why you’d want to see a dermatologist. Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer that begins in the cells known as melanocytes. While melanoma is less common than basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma is more dangerous because of it’s ability to spread to other organs if it’s not treated at an early stage. You should look for any unusual, new or changing spots on both your and sun-exposed and sun-protected skin. If you notice anything unusual then you should see the dermatologist immediately. This will help protect you from possible skin cancers that may spread if they are not detected in the early stages.

        Some other reasons to see the dermatologist on a regular basis would be acne, eczema, mole removal or skin damage:

1. Acne - A dermatologist can help treat acne that doesn’t respond to over the counter skin treatments. A dermatologist will determine which treatment will be most effective for your acne and lifestyle. 

2. Eczema - Eczema is characterized by irritation, itchiness and flaky patches on the skin. A dermatologist can help find ways to manage eczema and prescribe any necessary treatments.

3. Mole Removal - Moles are common in most adults. If you observe a mole on your skin which is changing, itching or bleeding you should make an appointment with your dermatologist.

4. Skin Damage - if you are concerned about minimizing skin damage or caring for aging skin, a dermatologist can suggest products that reduce your exposure to damaging elements. Dr. Kurzman has his own line of excellent skin care products and sunscreens to keep you protected. We are happy to evaluate your skin and recommend a perfect skincare regimen just for you!

        There are many reasons why you should go see a dermatologist. If you are not sure if something on your skin is a reason to be concerned, then you should get it checked just to be safe. Make seeing Dr. Kurzman at least once a year one your top priorities. Check our list of “General Treatments” to see what treatments we have to offer. Call us to set up you appointment today!

Samantha Durst

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