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When You Should Start Your Anti-Aging Routine

        Are you wondering when it’s the right time to start thinking about an anti-aging routine? The answer is to start it today! There are a few simple actions to take when you’re young that can have a major impact on the future of your skin. Here a few things you can do for your anti-aging routine.


        When you wake up in the morning, you should always apply sunscreen and not just on sunny days! Cloudy days also call for sunscreen. The most effective way to do this is to apply a moisturizer with SPF. This helps prevent UV damage which is a major cause of wrinkles and skin discoloration. If you plan to be in the sun for any length of time, then a plain sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater should be applied. Make sure to moisturize daily to keep your skin healthy and wrinkle free.


        In the evening you should apply a product that contains retinol. Retinol has been clinically proven to prevent lines and wrinkles from forming. Retinoids, which are available in both over the counter and prescription forms, are the most important anti-aging compounds. They reduce fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the production of collagen. They also stimulate the production of new blood vessels in the skin, which improves skin color.

        Retinoids cause dry skin and irritation, so it’s recommended to use them only every other day at first and then gradually work up to applying nightly. Retinoids increase the skins sensitivity to sunlight so make sure you’re applying your sunscreen daily.

Botox and Dysport

        Botox and Dysport are very effective ways to prevent wrinkles and yes you can start young! Both Botox and Dysport reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. They will lessen the muscle activity temporarily which causes a visible change in the creases and lines of the face. These include the lines on the forehead, between the eyebrows and crows’ feet. These can become visibly noticeable to some people in their 20s and 30s, that’s why is never too early to start Botox!

        Botox and Dysport procedures will take about 5 to 10 minutes. The exact time will vary on the patient, the wrinkle size and how many areas of the face are being treated. The amount and type of medication used and how many injections will depend on the size and location of the wrinkle or crease.

Facial Fillers

        Facial fillers are another treatment to temporarily prevent your anti-aging. Facial fillers are cosmetic tools which are injected into the skin and are typically made from calcium hydroxyl apatite, hyaluronic acid and collagen. These chemicals assist to rejuvenate skin, reduce wrinkles, raise scar depressions, enhance lips and replace volume loss in soft tissues of the face.  

Chemical Peels

        A chemical peel is a dermatological procedure employed to improve the aesthetic appeal of skin on the face, hands and neck. The application of a chemical solution works to exfoliate a person’s skin and then the affected skin falls away. The skin which is exposed after the treatment will have fewer wrinkles and fine lines as well as a younger-looking appearance. There are three forms of chemical peels:

Superficial – these are used to address mild skin discoloration and roughness.

Medium – these can improve wrinkles, moderate discoloration, fade age spots and minimize freckles.

Deep – these peels address dark freckles, shallow scars, age spots and moderate wrinkles and creases. Deep chemical peels can only be done a single time and will necessitate a much longer recovery period.

IPL Photofacial

        An IPL Photofacial, or an intense pulled light photofacial, is used to treat issues of facial redness, uneven skin tone, brown spots, spider veins and broken capillaries. This treatment employs concentrated pulses of lights which focus on skin cells to stimulate a chemical change. The light waves can also increase collagen production and heal acne.

Radiofrequency Microneedling

        Microneedling is a nonsurgical, minimally invasive skin-rejuvenation therapy that uses tiny needles to jumpstart the skins healing and collagen remodeling processes. All microneedling works by creating tiny wounds in your skin. The microwounds stimulate your body to repair them with new collagen and elastin proteins. When radiofrequency energy is added, the needles heat, contract and tighten your deepest skin layers.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

        Laser skin resurfacing is a noninvasive procedure the involves the use of lasers to make the skin appear smoother and younger looking. This type of procedure offers advantages over invasive methods of improving skin, such as traditional facelifts. Laser skin resurfacing can be used for several conditions, including fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration and sun damage.

Other Tips

  1. Don’t wash your face too frequently. Using skin care products will keep your face clean, clear and beautiful but it’s possible you can wash too much. Washing twice a day should be your limit, if you wash more than that you’ll remove too much moisture, making your skin look older.
  2. Don’t use make up as a cover up for wrinkles. Trying to cover up wrinkles with makeup is often ineffective and can draw more attention to them. Use skincare products daily to lessen the impact of wrinkles. Look for moisturizers with ingredients that enhance collagen.
  3. Avoid tanning. Tanning causes premature aging of the skin. Whether the exposure is in tanning bed or outdoors, over time tanning will cause wrinkles, brown spots and dull appearance. There is no safe amount of tanning.
  4. Regular exercise increases blood flow, which can help your skin. It keeps your muscles tight and prevents your skin from sagging. Exercise will also boost your mood and can help lower stress levels.

        Stop wondering when you should start an anti-aging routine and start now. If you’re looking into botox, facial fillers, chemical peels or other cosmetic treatments to prevent your anti-aging, give us a call at 718-317-0941 to set up your appointment with Dr. Kurzman. To find out more information and what services we offer, check “Cosmetic Treatments” on our website. Dr. Kurzman also has his own skincare line of moisturizers with SPF and retinoids, perfect options for anti-aging. Start your anti-aging process today. We’ll see you soon!

Samantha Durst

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